Would you like an assistant dedicated to streaming on TikTok?

Infinitum Agency empowers its creators with assistance to configuring TikTok Live streams in both OBS Stream key, OBS Studio as well as TikTok Live Studio. Our Live Gaming Professional, Zer0mavrick, has worked in IT for 8 years and has dedicated himself to helping creators be the best and show their best selves while going Live!
So whether you are having troubles with your streaming software or your computer that may be preventing you from achieving your streaming goal.. we will have your back! It’s like having your own personal IT agent dedicated to streaming! Let’s also not forget that the agency can get stream keys for creators that have the agency requirements and hardware ready to provide their viewers with high quality streams! If this sounds good to you, then why not look at the rest of the benefits? *Stream keys are not automatically granted, they need to be requested *Dual/Multi Stream advertising is not permitted on TikTok LIVE

Want Stream Key access?

Apply to Infinitum_US! Once approved for our agency, keys are available to those that are having trouble with Live Studio that may causing quality of your streams to diminish or for those that would need a specific feature that may not be on Live Studio and they believe will hinder their growth to continue using Live Studio. After that, if you also have met the TikTok requirements of at least 60 hours a month (roughly 15 hours a week). You can then request for one via our agency Discord server. Please note that keys are taken away if you do not meet the 60 hours a month.