How to find your audience?

8 Main Practices

  • Create your theme
  • Grab attention in the first 5-10 minutes of the LIVE
  • Post one regular post 4 hours prior to the LIVE
  • Each LIVE should be at least 1 hour
  • Create a daily schedule & add it to bio
  • Greet everyone that enters the LIVE
  • Set goals & make money
  • Follow policy guidelines to keep monetization

Unveiling the Importance of Identifying Your Ideal Audience

In a world boasting over 4.5 billion social media users, understanding your target market saves both time and resources.

Harnessing the Influence of Social Media

By 2023, social media users in the United States are projected to reach approximately 257 million, with platforms like Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram boasting billions of users worldwide. Nearly 90% of individuals aged 18 to 29 are active on social media, typically possessing higher education levels and income brackets exceeding $75,000 annually. Social media revolutionizes online interaction, offering real-time global updates, long-distance connectivity, vast information accessibility, and avenues for shared interests.

The Pitfalls of Mismanaged Social Media

Unfortunately, many misuse social media, resorting to indiscriminate content reposting across platforms, adopting an impersonal tone, and relying on clickbait tactics. Yet, each platform harbors a unique audience necessitating tailored content delivery. Successful engagement transcends mere conversion posts, emphasizing audience connection and trust-building over relentless selling. Quality over quantity reigns supreme, as mastering one or two platforms yields superior results compared to spreading thin across all channels.

Seizing the Social Media Advantage

Social media presents a golden opportunity, with Facebook posts reaching 11% more individuals than current followers and garnering 4.2% engagement rates. Moreover, social media cultivates brand loyalty and influences consumer purchasing decisions significantly.

Navigating the Evolving Landscape

In the words of Infinitum CEO, traditional resumes hold little relevance today without an acute understanding of contemporary sensitivities. Thus, adapting to current conditions is paramount.

A Blueprint for Finding Your Audience

Phase 1 (60 – 90 days)

Assess the Environment: Evaluate prevailing conditions to optimize processes and content strategy. Is your content entertaining, educational, and relatable? Tailor strategies to platform tendencies.

Establish a Strong Foundation: Cast a wide net initially, refining content based on collected data to lay a solid groundwork.

Identify Sensitivities: Utilize demographic data tools to pinpoint audience profiles, such as the 32-year-old female earning $40-$60K.

Phase 2

Fine-tune Tone: Adjust communication styles to resonate with new audiences.

Master Timing: Exercise control over when to engage audiences based on Phase 1 insights.

Phase 3

Navigate Emotions: Respond to audience feedback judiciously, making micro-adjustments to maintain consistency and adaptability.

Embrace the Social Media Landscape: Leverage platforms like Facebook by Meta, YouTube, Instagram by Meta, and TikTok in alignment with your audience discovery process and anticipated trends.

When creative content aligns closely with audience preferences, success inevitably follows.

Ready to Discover Your Ideal Audience?

Contact us at [email protected] to embark on your journey today.